Second Chance

On Nov 5, 2006 I had an accident on my motorcycle. I am sitting here thinking what a lucky individual I am to even be here typing in this blog. I have the most incredible wife and family that any guy could have! Actually when I woke up in the hospital the first thing that I noticed was all the people that were around my bed. I couldnt help but think "ohhhh shit I must be dead" because there is no other reason for all these people to be here. Anyway back to the topic at hand. My sisters took turns coming to Houston to nurse me along. Diana was the first to show up at the house after I was released. She has always been more like my mom than my sister, and I don't think she really understands how much I truly love her. Dee, who's a retired RN came next, she turned me on to the correct pain management program so that I didn't overdose myself. I am here to tell you people that a broken leg (with 2 compound fractures), broken jaw (with another 2 compound fractures) and a dislocated hip hurt like hell! Ohhh and I can't forget my sister Cindy "my Chica/best friend" besides my wife. She was one of the faces I saw when I woke up in the hospital. She flew to Houston as soon as she heard about the accident. Lets not forget my wife's family. They were on the phone immediately and praying for me. Elizabeth's little Sister Becca took leave from the Coast Guard and flew out to take her turn helping me recover. Short story is I/YOU take most everything for granted. It is a shame that it takes an incident like this to remind me/us to hold dear the people in my/our life. Take it from me, never ever pass up a hug or a kiss, a chance to give words of encouragement, and most of all never forget our most precious gift -- our family. I love all of you very much. God, thank you for the second chance you gave me and for allowing me to grow old with my wife whom I love, and to be here for my children whom I adore, as they grow up and have families of their own. I promise you -- I will not waste it!